/> “Me encanta the way you dance,” Guillermo told me the night Lisa introduced us at that dart bar that played heartland rock and pseudoflamenco. “Enchanting!”For you monolinguals, “Ghee-Yermo” is how he said it - but in Guillermo’s night life, everyone called him Señor Pelvis.His lithe hips writhed toward me in faded jeans and an antique steer belt buckle. His shirt was short-sleeved, a faint, restrained plaid, open deep enough to reveal the gold manatee and a small slew of other charms nesting in his thatch of black chest hair.
HEAR MORE stories on Saturday, March 8 (3-8-08!) The Book Cellar (Merchants of fine literature, beer and wines!) 4736 N. Lincoln, Chicago at 7 pm A fiction fest with Elizabeth Crane (author of three books including "When the Messenger is Hot") and Spencer Dew (author of "Songs of Insurgency," new from Vagabond Books).